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Joint Ecosystem Documentation

Official Guide for Joint Ecosystem Products

In this section of our site, you can find all the documentation related to the products on the Joint Ecosystem. It includes following products :

  • Joint - The core framework plugin for Joint system
  • Joint-Native - An open-source (Apache-2.0 license) Content plugin for Joint that includes a lot of sample assets and fragments

Mostly, a fundamental and core part of Joint framework will be documented under Joint section, and the features of the contents related Joint Native will be documented under Joint Native section.

If you are looking for the documentation for Volt - An open-source (MIT license) library for Unreal Slate Animation, that has been used for Joint and Joint-Native, then please visit its GitHub repository. It's all in there.

Feel Free to Ask Questions to the Developer!

As your ultimate goal, and mine, is to create satisfactory projects by utilizing the plugin to its fullest extent.

Please feel free to come to the official Discord channel and ask any questions to the developer, DevGrain, if you have any doubts or areas that are not clear after going through the tutorials. Your questions are valuable not only for you but also for the plugin and me.

If there are any errors in the tutorial content, please reach out to the official Discord or email (devgrain13@gmail.com) for inquiries.