1.7.0 & 1.8.0
Minimum required version of Joint: 2.5.0
Recommended version of Joint: 2.5.2
A small update!
New Design Scheme for Every Node
Joint and Joint Native took a new graphic update for the editor visuals.
Now nodes' color are much more vivid and easy to notice as well!
Sample Dialogue Aim Offset
Here we have a new sample aim offset system for dialogue system!
Check out DF_SAMPLE_ProvideDialogueAOToParticipants
, BP_Joint_ABP_DialogueAOInterface
, BP_Joint_DialogueAO
on the sample folder.
Also, check out ABP_Bird
as well, we used anim blueprint to implement this AO effect.
Plus, check out how the DF_SAMPLE_ProvideDialogueAOToParticipants
looks like! We used and applied UI material on its Icon with the new Iconic Node
system of Joint 2.5.0, so check out its class default and see how to do it. (It's fairly easy as just putting materials in your mesh's slots. We managed to boil it down to that level.)
DF_Client_WaitSkipRequest Has been reworked
now has been renamed to DF_ServerClient_WaitSkip
and took the functionality of the DF_Server_WaitPlayerSkip
Check Wait Until All Players Skips
and set it to replicated
, and provide a valid SkippablePlayers
to it to make it wait for all players.
Also notice you have to change the logic of your controller class as well since we changed the BP_Joint_NetAuthorityHandleInterface
's ServerRequestSkip
function's signature as well.
Bug Fixes
The issue that Vote
, WaitSkip
's functionalities are not being reloaded thus users can not play again when that node is played (on recursive dialogue playback) again has been fixed.