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Breaking Change

We decided to remove the word "Dialogue" from the framework, and replace it to "Joint" instead, for every class and every nodes in Joint (Not in Joint Native)

This update is an update that we must be done for the better future of Joint, because we are aiming it to be much bigger and better framework than just a dialogue system (actually, we are preparing something for this, it's too early to say here though.)


And this change will cause your dialogue manager and projects to:

  1. All pins in the graph will be invalidiated.
  2. All Node Pointer (node picker) will be nulled out.
  3. Small number of functions' name will be changed and require manual replacement.

What you have to do is updating the dialogue manager assets as following:

  1. Make sure to make a saved version of your project somewhere else. If you are working on the rework of the old assets and need a last version before the breaking change (Joint 2.6.2), Try to save the plugin in the old version as well. If you don't know how to, Please send me a DM for that.
  2. Go to your dialogue manager, and visit Joint Tools -> Open Joint Management, and press Reconstruct Every Node In Opened Joint Manager Editor's Reconstruct button. (It will reconstruct the graph that are currently being opened only, so you have to do this multiple times, or open all of them and press it once. This action might freeze the engine so don't panic and just wait.

img_2.png img_3.png

  1. Now Pins will be reconstructed. Then Connect them again.
  2. Feed all Node pointer related properties again. (Speakers and listener, wait end level sequencer etc)
  3. Do it for every dialogue managers (Now Joint Managers)
  4. Play test it, and see if any errors are getting popped up, and fix those parts as well. Probably something like, Create Dialogue, Start Dialogue etc would be invalidiated, and if you see word "Dialogue" from its name, try to search the same name but with Joint instead.


Implement Pin Function

We added Implement Pin function on the system that allow you to easily implement the pins with at ease.

It will implement pins from the provided pin signatures, while maintaining the old existing pins for matching signature if present. Just feed the pins signatures you want to use, with already-existing pins together.


Maintaining the old pins are necessary. If you discard all pins and attach new pins for them, it will disconnect the pins everytime and make you pissed off very soon.

It's very straight forward now!


Previously, you had to attach this much logic to make your fragments maintain the old pins


Foundation Shortcut

Added shortcut command for foundation node. Now you can add a new foundation node by pressing f on the graph.


Minor performance improvements on the copy-paste related actions, we introduced update lock to them to minimize some actions.


Fixed an issue that custom pins' connections are becoming disconnected after drag & drop action and insert actions. This one is a quite huge change by itself, making your everyday life much easier.

Fixed an issue that search & replace tab doesn't work correctly with query text with certain characters ("!", "&")

Fixed an issue that option button widget doesn't display the text of text fragments under the select fragment correctly when the textstyle instance is not provided on that text fragments.